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Health Education

Change Is a Process Not an Event: Why You Should Get Nutritional Counseling Throughout the Year

Understanding change as a process that takes time is crucial to making positive changes in your life. Rome was not built in a day, and neither was your body. Seeing



March 6, 2017

A Registered Dietitian’s role is often misunderstood as simply an educator who teaches about the basic food groups, then helps patients with meal planning. Some people think that the dietitian role is basically a “one and done” – you assessed their disease state and how nutrition is broken down in their body, you told them what to do, and now it’s up to them…

BUT, that’s not what a successful and professional program such as Dietitians At Home is about.  We go beyond just educating patients. We focus on encouraging people to change their behavior to improve their quality of life. 

The reality is that people are creatures of habit with food and routines, so changing eating habits are an extremely difficult task that is more successfully achieved with professional support.  The “one and done” model does not constitute for professional support that results in long-term success.

We know that face-to-face appointments in the patient’s homes and then follow up appointments are the best professional support that patients can receive to help them make the changes they need to control their diabetes and live a longer, healthier lifestyle.

For your patients to get optimal results we need to see them 3-12 times a year depending on their risk factors.  As we value our role in the health-care team and to ensure that you informed of our assessment at each visit and the goals that we’ve set together with the patient, we send the referral source and physicians on file a post-visit report after every visit.

By referring your patients to Dietitians At Home, you are sending them to the most professional program in the area. We are sincerely dedicated to improving their health so that they can live a more active and longer life.


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